Thursday, August 14, 2008

Generational Girl Fun!

The warm weather brings lots of blessings...
one of my favorites is extended family and friends. Today we celebrated summer with Christy's grandmum "Nenna" from Florida who
is so great, sharp as a tack and as warm and real as the sun...she loves to tickle Huddy's feet and make him smile, I vote for 91 more years! I especially love to see all the generations Neena, Christy and Joci...I am proud of how loving Christy is as she balances her world and takes care of her grandmom and daughter...she is a good egg!

Then we had Jo, KJ's mum from Steamboat, I love Jo...she is pure farm girl, free spirit fun. I fell in love with KJ as my best neighbor long ago...they are just my people...can't explain just is. JO sang to Huddy the sweetest little song about lips like a rose that choked me up a bit. Talk about American Idol. Kensie is just about the cutest little nymph with her laugh and smile. yum!

Lara from England brought along little Bella and with them some of the biggest smiles for Mason. We cherish our family play times, girl times and feel complete when they are in town. Lara thinks that Bella looks nothing like her...but she does, inside and out she is independent,
beautiful and she also has that spark in her eye and smile.

And our long lost Harv came too, never seen her look so happy and so beautiful, I miss her now so much since she moved...but i love to see her reach for her dreams! I cant wait for the day to come when I can hold her babies!

Lisa sent her hubby Jim along in her place to the Ladies luncheon, but then again she had to so we could have our Little Tess with us. Jim Gute is the ONLY man I know that is man enough to not notice he is in the company of 8 woman. He is just adorable!

I have always wanted a daughter, always...i think EVERYONE who knows me knows that...but i have to say that my two lover boys are the best and i learn a lot from the challange to be a good "boy" mom...but when i need my girl fix i am proud to have the cutest, sweetest and smartest little girls around within reach!

I know why I love my girl friends... because they are all so strong and so fragile.... different yet the same...they are wonderful women, raising wonderful women and from wonderful women.

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