Wednesday, May 31, 2006

He's here!

8.78 lbs
5:24pm MAY 30TH

Friday, May 26, 2006

Doc is in Love

Tanner is growing like a weed and likes to come over a feed "Duck" popcorn. He is the cutest ever, little muchkin lover boy!

Friday, May 19, 2006

Momma is ready to hatch...three days to go.

These photo's our friend Flo took, she is amazing! We are lucky to have her love and support!
No real news yet, Mason's due date is this Sunday, but so far no special changes!
At least we know he will come within a week from Sunday!
The house is ready and so are we!
Stay tuned!

"PAWS" Poster child...

Doc Holliday is postered around town to promote a lecture about good dog behaivor...
We are so proud:)

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Jocelyn May Gillespie turns 8 months!

Baby Jocelyn is awaiting her new beau, she is a cute as a button and defiantly is already very comfortable with a crown:)

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

It Takes a Village....

Wow, what an amazing shower.... hats of to our wonderfully generous friends Flo, Christy & Garth for throwing us such an amazing shower for Baby Mason. We felt so loved and excited the whole evening being surrounded by such a great group of friends...we especially know that is takes a village to pay for the platinum of baby joggers the "Chariot." From the beautiful Flowers from KJ and the wonderful "crack cheese" from Hope and others, thanks!

It was an unforgettable evening with friends, views, sunshine, Margs and Meatballs too!
We love you guys and thank all of you again, we are proud to have you in our village and Mason is soooo lucky!
Susannah and Michael