Friday, February 20, 2009

Field Trip Day with Mommy

Mason's first Gondola ride with his buddy Grainger on Friday Field trip with Mommies day! They had chocolate milk and Pizza at the top, pretty rock star if you're two!

Just some cute stuff!

At bath time Huds is a big naked flirt, very hard to resist!
Also we are loving how the furry children are getting on so well, two peas in a pod!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

look at meeee, I can walk along stuff!

you have to love a face like that, what a hurts he is so cute!

Friday, February 06, 2009

BookCLub ladies 2009

I cant help but laugh since we almost never look this serious unless the wine has run out.
Love you ladies!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Betsy's photo's!

Best photo's of the boys! Betsy has been great all around. We are loving having a live in photographer!

Monday, February 02, 2009

May Roo's photo from Mtn. Sprout Kids

So Cute!

Huddy Lover is getting BIG -10.5 months

Huddy is crawling, pulling himself up, smiling, laughing and saying new words each day.


he dances...raise the roof, oh-ya...
he high fives and give out kisses
and of course
waves good-by and hello!