Sunday, July 30, 2006

Friday, July 28, 2006

Aunte Darcie came to meet her little man...

What a fun week, swimming, hiking, cooking, laughing, golfing, shopping and cooing over Mason. Thanks for visiting Darc and thanks to Ben and Claire for sparing your lovely wife and Mum... Each time I see my best friend I am reminded of the power of friendship, the beauty and intimacy of a true girl friend. I am humbled by her beauty inside and out, her strength and most of all her candor and humor. Claire has a terrific mom and i have a terrific friend...we love you! Xo MPL, mpl and me.

Masons first shots!

We made it, Mason got through five shots and he was such a trooper! We have such a good Doctor and we really like
how well he takes care of Mason and us rookie parents! Thanks Doc Pockat!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

soooooo big!

I think we may have outgrown Mason's little bouncy seat!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Friday, July 21, 2006

I am so loved from head to toe!

you can see i right or what?

Grammy's new passion

It did not take long for Grammy Lynch to fall in love...

Sunday, July 16, 2006



Friday, July 14, 2006

Times have changed....

remember when at a party everyone had a drink in hand....


Jocie Bear Gillespie is very beautiful...Mason is a little too young to play, but we think in just a few months he will just love her as we do! These pics were from Chirsty and Garths house where we celebrated Liz and Tobin's wedding. It was great, Mason was well behaved and it was a beautiful night. Love to the Barths! Cheers for a lifetime!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

sleepin' away in milka-rita-ville

ut-oh someone has developed a drinking problem....
we found him like this and a couple of empty milk bottles lying around.
so we grabbed a pillow and joined him.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

i'm so darn soft and cute

i cant help it. i'm just puuurrrrrfect.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

awwh cuuute

just hiked snow king and got a little hot, just cooling off in my swing.

Spa treaments please

look at my big head, its growing fast i am getting an apricot oil massage and trying to learn how to lift my head.
I can hold it up for a few seconds now.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Mason on the Madison...

We went on fun trip to Montana to see the Ennis Rodeo and Fish on the Madison with Grandpa and SandraD...Lucky we got to play with cousin Jude too...aka Garth brooks. happy 4th

Tee time is now family time... who knew

Mason likes to come along tooo!
Its been great, we pack him up with treats, grab a adult beverage or two and have a wonderful family time OUT OF THE HOUSE...its been lovely to have something this easy and fun. I just like watching Michael do what he loves and I think the little guy likes the bumpy ride. Michael always told me the club was for our family...I think he was right. What a gorgeous day and
how lucky I feel to have my guys.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

baby group rocks

Thanks to Saxon and Stephen for a great spread of food and these photo's, i love the new house, Axl is luckcy to have such a dynamic duo for parents! We all can't wait to meet him!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Masons first date

simply Delicious!

Judy Boy is amazzzzzingly adorable. 7 months and growing strong!